The Tolkien Lovers (IMDb) Community
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All I ever need, I learnt from The Lord of the Rings.
This list is compiled from a thread started by ywrose1, on Monday Februaury 10th 2003. The thread was saved by Legolas.
Editors note: Lots of people contributed to this thread, but I have compiled it differently from normal, due to it's nature. Rather than copy the tread out, I have compiled the suggestions into a list. I hope that all those that contributed don't mind my treatment of it. I also point out that I have thinned out some of the suggestions and edited some of the results [I better stop writing, I am starting to sound like Christopher Tolkien!].
- If your tour guide begins to speak of himself in the third person- perhaps it's time to find a new one.
- Sometimes there isn't time for 3rd breakfast.
- When going on a long trip, it always helps to take your gardener and a good elf- oh, and a wizard never hurts either.
- If it walks like and orc, and smells like an orc, and grunts like an orc- it's probably an orc.
- Always recycle, especially shattered metal heirlooms.
- Never pick up a ring and bring it home.
- Arrows can be recycled.
- Never toss a dwarf (unless he gives you permission).
- Never ever pull a dwarf's beard, whatever the provocation.
- Speak softly but carry a loud horn.
- Always have a box handy for your shorter friends.
- It's never a good idea to walk up to a Ringwraith, no matter what your jewelry says...
- If tons of Orcs are suddenly running away from your small party...you might want to run with them because something bad is on it's way.
- Beware of old men carrying staffs.
- If you have to chop down a tree, make sure its dead already.
- Get some screen-time: Extra's don't live long.
- If Gollum is talking to himself about "Her" don't listen to his directions.
- Never set off fireworks inside a tent!
- Avoid putting on any odd rings.
- Never trust a guy with Inch-long pointy fingernails...even if he's the Head of your Council!
- Your "station" in life does not reveal your character, your choices do.
- Be careful, the greatest evil can be contained in the smallest, seemingly insignificant item.
- Take heart, the greatest good can be contained in the smallest, seemingly insignificant people.
- There are times in life when the only light you'll have is the one you bring with you.
- Never forget your history.
- "It's a dangerous business, going out your door. If you don't keep your feet, there's no telling where you might get swept off to."
- Trust the Elves, they come in handy.
- Beware of fell voices.
- Strength can come from the most unlikely people.
- Friends often show up when you least expect it, and when you most
appreciate it.
- By not giving up, goals will be reached.
- Even the smallest person can change the world.
- If you plan on trekking in the mountains, it's a good idea to inform a (large) eagle.
- The spirit of your enemy is never truly dead (until you succeed in your quest).
- A hero is someone who doesn't turn their back on a seemingly useless situation.
- Courage is driving yourself on, when all good sense is screaming at you to stop.
- Never encourage a waarg.
- The dividing line between heroism and stupidity is a fine one.
- Shout and people will cover their ears, speak quietly and people will listen harder.